Latest NewsThe seriousness of methane leakage’s impact on the planet
Meta data: By: Adiel Chrissetia On 29 September, CNN reported Nord Stream gas leaks massive...
The UN General Assembly has gathered world leaders in New York to discuss climate issues.
Meta data: Rosie Frost,, “UN General Assembly: 5 burning climate issues for world...
The Urge for Sustainable Biofuel as An Alternative Fuel for Indonesia’s Energy Transition.
Meta data: Stella Kusumawardhani, The Jakarta Post, “Diverse, sustainable biofuel crucial for...
Indonesia’s Energy Transition as a part of G20’s Road Map
Meta data: Adiel Chrissetia Publish: 19th August 2022 This year, Indonesia has been preparing for...
Indonesia’s Energy Transition Journey on G20 Road Map
Meta data: Francesco La Camera, Jakarta Post, “How Indonesia Can Lead G20 Through AmbitiousEnergy...
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