UN News, United Nations, “IPCC adaptation report ‘a damning indictment of failed global leadership on climate”
Published :  28 February 2022


  • Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) released the second report in a series of three reports composed by UN’s top climate scientists on 28 February. 
  • UN Secretary-General António Guterres describes the report “atlas of human suffering and a damning indictment of failed climate leadership.”
  • Despite it’s essential to cut global emissions by 45 % by 2030 and achieve net zero by 2050, the global emissions are set to increase almost 14 % over the current decade.
  • UN Chief declares fossil fuels a dead-end for the planet, humanity, and economies, and calls for ending the use of coal.
  • The report shows increased heatwaves, droughts and floods are already exceeding plants’ and animals’ tolerance thresholds.
  • Adequate funding, technology transfer, political commitment, and partnership lead to more effective climate change adaptation and emissions reductions.

The original article:

UN scientists on Monday delivered a stark warning about the impact of climate change on people and the planet, saying that ecosystem collapse, species extinction, deadly heatwaves and floods are among the “dangerous and widespread disruptions” the world will face over the next two decades due to global warming.

“This report is a dire warning about the consequences of inaction,” said Hoesung Lee, Chair of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).

“It shows that climate change is a grave and mounting threat to our wellbeing and a healthy planet. Our actions today will shape how people adapt and nature responds to increasing climate risks,” he said, adding: “Half measures are no longer an option.”

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