Meta data: Kate Abnett, Reuters, “EU Countries Meet To Agree Stance For UN’s Climate Negotiations” 25 October 2022

Key points:

  • As the world’s third-biggest emitter of greenhouse gasses, the EU is facing financial compensation pressure.
  • The draft mentioned that it is necessary to support the affected countries and set a new higher standard of goals related to the compensation of loss and damage.
  • The topic will be further discussed at the COP27 event in Egypt and the EU is expected to increase the climate change target.

Original article :

European Union countries will attempt on Monday to agree their negotiating position for this year’s U.N. climate talks, including on the contentious topic of financial compensation for the damage climate change is inflicting on the world’s poorest.

The EU, the world’s third-biggest emitter of greenhouse gasses, is facing pressure from developing nations to soften its long-standing resistance to compensation for the “loss and damage” wrought by floods, rising seas and other climate change-fuelled impacts.

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