John Geddie, Reuters, “75% of people want single-use plastics banned, global survey finds”
Published : 22 February 2022


  • The poll was conducted by IPSOS, a global market research corporation prior to United Nations Environment Assembly scheduled to take place from 28 February in Nairobi. 
  • One of the main topics discussed in the assembly is an ambitious treaty to tackle plastic waste.
  • The result of the survey clearly shows people in the world wish governments to adopt a global plastic deal and manufacturers and retailers to be held responsible for reducing, reusing, and recycling plastic packaging.
  • According to WWF, UN failing to agree on the deal to control plastics will result in increasing ecological damage and a higher risk of marine species extinction and destroying coral reefs and mangroves.

The original article:

Three in four people worldwide want single-use plastics to be banned as soon as possible, according to a poll released on Tuesday, as United Nations members prepare to begin talks on a global treaty to rein in soaring plastic pollution.

The percentage of people calling for bans is up from 71% since 2019, while those who said they favoured products with less plastic packaging rose to 82% from 75%, according to the IPSOS poll of more than 20,000 people across 28 countries.

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